Choose the good !
If you dont take care of your body ... where else are you going to live ?? Wise words .. But sometimes that is easier said than done ......
Stop Waiting !
Stop waiting for friday , for summer , for life , to fall in love ...... we are living now this moment ... please do not wait...
Fiber-Ized Life ..
Gut health , Probiotic , Hadza , Flexitarianism .. you hear it lately everywhere ... eat with your brain or mindful eating is a way to...
Indian Summer !
So I have done it again ..... one more summer full of work , and it feels good of course , because it was the first summer in years...
Island feelings !
Back on my Swedish paradise island again , for a couple of days rest and smell the sea ..! Hangvar Slite Ihrebadens restaurant...
Vibrant Life !
Tune into your senses yourself with a deep complete breath , feel the energy travel and start to move ...listen to your body &...
Boost needed !
After 2 hip surgeries within 11 months , and me only working when I kind of feel like it ... my affairs are in a bad state this...
Reset Button !
Is it maybe time for the " girlbosses " to ground , take it easy , find yourself , detox body and home ... well it all seems easy ,...
Picture Perfect !
Xo xo , hold your mind .. springtime , summer soon , obsession with our bodies , what a burden this is every year, all these years .....
Go go girl !
Honestly , I cant believe that I am over and done with my hips ...the problems , pain , pills & all the rest of it .... during so many...