Island feelings !
Back on my Swedish paradise island again , for a couple of days rest and smell the sea ..!
Ihrebadens restaurant after the fire ..working perfect , with the help of foodtrucks and smart thinking ...Pia is a hero !!
Eva had scheduled some show jumping , the day I arrived so we went directly after the ship docked ...
This is Astrid .. she needs help with the bottle , but is growing , 3 months back she was so little and it was cold , so Eva put one of her fleece wears on her and she was walking around with that grey fleece , people stopped to look at her , shes a little calf doll !
I saw this fantastic stone sculpture , among more from the same man Småland , while visiting an old friend , he just had them outside his house ..a very talented man !!
And yes I was thinking of Astrid when I laid my eyes upon it ....
Stretching out that body of mine ....on Evas terass , pure bliss !
My Keto experience .. before coming here I did 2 weeks of the Ketogenic diet , cant say that there is any difference concerning my muffin belly ... from the outside ...well maybe a little , but I feel much better , stronger and healthier in a strange way ... so coming back to the mainland and work again , I will do some more weeks , it is a way of eating that really suits me , since I the last 10 years , are not putting a lot of pasta , potatoes , rice and other carbs on my plate .. so there is just a question of keeping all the pies and fresh out of the oven breads oh my god the smell , so sweet .. as far away as possible !
As we all are custodians of our bodies , and responsible for its care , we should try to be in charge of the good things .. ground ourselves with healthy meal planning , even if you are not hungry , simply planning your next meal is a powerful act of self care ... and your body is designed to do everything to keep you from starving , so when you dont give your body enough food ...or crap , junk food it releases stress hormones , and then it wants quick fix sugar plan your eating ....
This is a Keto salad from Mark Sisson
Lettuce ,of your choice
Cherry tomatoes
1 chopped avocado
Shaved emmenthal cheese
Make a dressing from mayo , herbsalt , capers and some olive oil
I can easily make this and eat it every single day , for lunch , you can always change some greens , but keep the avocado !
Thats all for this time , finishing off with some pics from Fårö and Rute .. lovely places ,
Chris from GrammasKitchen looking out for new lovely foodie adventures at Gotland Sweden , with my feets in the Baltic sea !!