Vibrant Life !
Tune into your senses yourself with a deep complete breath , feel the energy travel and start to move ...listen to your body & remember if you are not afraid to take action , anything is possible ...
It might be time for all of us to ask a question to ourselfes .. what do I really want .. and that means what Do You want , not what others want and believe to be right , no You and Your intuition , and that feeling is rarely wrong , so take a moment and ask yourself what do you really want in this world ..
Me personally have and are having an issue with my pouting belly ... I am not considered fat , since I am tall with long sleek legs and toned arms , but I have had all my life a " muffinbelly " and on top of that I am not over eating , I eat mostly vegetarian and healthy dishes , doing my planks and yoga ...but that belly is really stubborn ..
so I have decided to follow a routine , in fact a diet plan , it is something rare in my life .. to follow a diet , but lets hope this will show some results for my little darling belly ..starting this morning with an cheese omelette and coffe with cream ,
yes it is the Ketodiet , which means cutting out nearly all carbs , gone are bread, pasta, potatoes and much more ... I will live with this now for 2 weeks as a start .. we will see
but it is amazing how much nice dishes you can make without carbs ...I will make this salad for my lunch box tomorrow !
Avocado Bacon & Goat - Cheese Salad
Grill 4 pieces of goat cheese until golden and fry the bacon , cut 1 avocado in pieces and put on top of lettuce and sprinkle some walnuts over ,
using a blender make a dressing from
the juice of half a lemon
3-4 tbsp mayonnaise , best homemade
3-4 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp heavy cream
some S & P to taste
please note that I will not use the bacon , not eating that , if it is not directly from an ecological farm , I will instead add another half of avocado !
Something else, easy to make for lunch or.........we had this often at the menu at Gramma and it was a hit !
Greek Cheese Pie without crust
600 g shredded cheese , I often take half feta cheese and the rest yellow hard cheese
450 g greek full fat yoghurt
175 - 200 g flour
4 eggs
salt and pepper
one small pinch cayenne , if you like
mix the cheese and yoghurt first in a big bowl , add the flour and last the eggs slightly beaten then the seasoning ,
put in a " light greased " oven proof dish and bake at 200c for 45 - 50 min.
This will nearly look like a cheese souffle and it taste lovely !
follow my new food journey , less carbs more fat ...well , well we will see in a couple of weeks ..
as for the rest , stand up for yourself , the way you stand pretty much tells the way you feel about yourself .. so some power posing anyone ..
and take a deep breath ..
are fantastic tools for our bodies
the same goes for being in the nature , I had the luck some days back, to be invited by friends to go on a small roadtrip here in Sörmland , and we did begin with an Archipelago Market close to the sea , followed by a visit to Nynäs castle , where a very interesting exhibition was held by Karin Nilsson , she does flowers , animals etc. from felted wool ... wow never seen anything like it !
You will find her at Instagram Jordloppa
we also passed stunning fields of flax flowers on our way , so beautiful , the colour makes you want to run out into the field and embrace them ..
Something I have been thinking of , is that so many people are afraid to ask somebody else for help .. even if they are eager to offer help to someone , and like to help other people , to ask for help is hard it looks like .. and what they probably forget is that , in order to never ask for help you deny others the pleasure of giving back to you !!
A positive life , yes thats what we all want .. honestly why not start to surround yourself with positive people , learn to say no , learn to slow down and laugh , laugh a lot , and let gratitude & forgiveness be a part of each new day , just keep it all simple , change your game plan .. start with a big smile , you will never no where that might take you ...
Nutrition bar fatique ... well yes all of a sudden they are everywhere , you can hardly choose , and which one is the best for your health ... healthy balls might be the new thing , bite size small energy bombs ..
these ones are made without oats and sugar.
this makes 15 p & they are very filling !
150 g hazelnut flour
150 g cocos flakes
100 g butter
half a tsp vanilla
50 g dark chocolate
2 tbsp cream
1,5 tbsp brewed strong coffe
mix cocos , butter , flour and vanilla in a bowl
melt the chocolate and blend with bream & coffe , pour this over the flourmix and make small balls roll them in cocos and leave for an hour in the fridge !!
so my foodie life is a mix of cheese , cream , veggies , eggs and healthy protein at the moment .. but I must confess that it needs a strong willpower to say no , to a new baked rhubarb pie , straight out of the oven ... my god , not easy , luckily I have other things to think of , like , I did manage to change some days at work in order to go to Gotland for a week do some good things !
swedish island !
greek island !
this picture is borrowed from pinterest , .. and it really nails it , the way for a more vibrant life !
so dear friends , thats all for this time
I have been writing this post in totally silence , for a change , letting my thoughts run free and wild ...
thinking of my life at the islands , big love , and since we all are growing taller in life , some friends have left this journey both in Greece and Sweden take time to live , laugh , love , smile , hug , be good to each other ...
next post most probably from Gotland !!
Chris from GrammasKitchen at the moment in lovely Sörmland.