Anticipative …
Must say that I believe that the week’s leading up to Christmas , probably are more exciting than the religious holiday itself …more and more candles , what clothes to wear and of course what to put on the table … both in the glasses and on the plates … a little bit like to follow a wonderfully decorated path … for me I just feel like a small part of all this , since it will be the first year that I’m not working , and as I’m alone and my daughter will be working …. my wonderful friends in Skåne have invited me to spend Christmas with them in their beautiful house .. really I’m such a lucky , spoiled little brat … !!
Some of my friends do give me a tired look when I start to talk about my daily need to get on my yoga mat or my addiction to green food .. but I really feel like shit if these things are left alone , even only for a day .. so bare with my obsession it’s not like it would be drugs or alcohol … like the word yoga .. yoga doesn’t have to be perfect as in advanced positions .. 15 minutes of stretching a day goes a long way , feel the difference ! And for us , living up in the northern part of the world , where there will be icy streets , this time of the year .. the much better balance yoga stretches will give you is a godsend if you fall …
The road leading up to the Festive Season will be full of invitations to small gatherings and all of them will be with food & drinks in the centre … so
new or old healthy recipes will be saved until the beginning of the new year … when you might need them more maybe … so let’s concentrate on chocolate , seasonal cookies , lovely drinks and much more instead for the rest of this year !
Am trying to get my act together … with Swedish Jazz performed by women like .. Alice Babs , Monica Zetterlund , Ulla Hallin , Linda Svantesson & many more .. absolutely divine to listen to ..
from GrammasKitchen at the moment in Sweden where the weather has been more than normal strange … one day 17c below zero , the next zero and rain .. let these months ahead go quickly so I can get rid of all these clothes , socks and all the rest … maybe , maybe to go down to a nice village in the hills on Tinos … but I know very well that I will need the socks there to !