Zesty ..
Stretch in the direction of kindness , of forgiveness .. yeah you might think that some people do not really deserve your forgiveness and that they are unhealthy company which you dont need in your life ... so even if you cherish someone maybe you dont have to keep up an unhealthy relationship - whichever is not always a romantic partner.. it can be a familymember or a friend .. yes you can miss someone and still not wanting them in your life because if they eat all of your energy , where is the respect for yourself & the kindness you need , life is too short for all that nonsense , but please remember we dont stop loving them because we dont speak to them .. amen ..
I have been through a very tiring money matter with my X and it got me so mad that I wowed never to speak to him again ... but how childish is that , and yes lovely to be childish but not in a bad way , I also have to consider a lot of friends who wants to meet up with the two of us when I am in Athens .. so let go of any negative thoughts .. on top of that I did decide to forget and forgive ... have to add that I honestly feel so much better .. besides I dont see him every day anyway Xxxx
pic above stolen from pinterest
I am in a happy , happy phase at the moment everything is satisfyingly good .. less pain which is lovely .. so it seems like my daily stretches & moves on my mat " doctors orders " are working out well .. fine .. even though I can see some yoga moves fading away since I am not aloud to do them ... more important I am also happily counting down the days to bring my bag and myself to London and Greece .... so am because of that trip in a hopeless - happy state trying to figure out what clothes to fetch so it suits all kinds of occasions , since you never know it could be mischief or style .... everything can happen or ..
Just love these greek guys and their faces ..
Soon I will be surrounded by this blue for all the autumn ...
Health wise later breakfast and earlier dinner might be the key to lose weight , check it out " intermittent fasting " its called.
Personally I will hold on to my mantra " Eat like a Greek " the mediterranean way because I love to cook and eat exactly like that ..
Have also been on 2 hikes or long walks this week in excellent girl company , you really get a " feeling good boost " when walking and talking while smelling the trees and the sea .. walks like this is also extremely good for my current hip - thigh problem .. there you go two for one ...
Food wise as we are coming close to the end of Barbecue Season I will give you some easy , tasty , exciting packets to put on the grill .. me and my neighbours had in mind a garden - barbecue this upcoming weekend , well it all depends on the weather I suppose !
Baked Aubergine
1 big and sliced aubergine who has been left salted for 10 min.
1 sliced onion
1 sliced tomato
on 4 pieces of aluminium foil put a little tomatoe sauce - aubergine ( dried off with some paper ) - onion - tomato - tomatoe sauce - crumbled feta cheese - fresh oregano , some blackpepper & olive oil make a little packet of each bundleand put on the grill around 20 min.
It feels a bit like a mini moussaka ..
Big Mushrooms with a taste of Tarragon
Cut the mushrooms in halves
Slice 1 onion
Chop up some fresh tarragon and parsley
on 4 pieces of aluminium foil put the mushrooms and onionslices sprinkle some salt & pepper and add some butter plus the herbs and some drops of red wine vinegar , make packets and leave for ca 20 min. on the grill.
Serve with a simple salad of Romaine Lettuce , lemon and oregano . As a side make a dip from Greek yogurt , lemon , dijon , salt , pepper and a little sugar.
You could also grill some halfes of lemon .. they get very tasty and nice , perfect even as decoration.
My kitchen view from the food - inspiration - work space .
pic above @elephantjournal
The music has been Stefan Sundström - Supremes - Mikael Wiehe - Zen Calming Music - Ruth Cameron - Neneh Cherry ... & Lill Babs " Leva Livet "
Be well , be your best , be kind , smile , love and forgive , dance and sing , hug and kiss , make the most of it ... make the most of a beautiful thing !
Chris from
GrammasKitchen situated in lovely Sörmland at the moment ..