Emotional Flexibility !
Taking time for introspection to discover ourselves in a new way is a magical practise !
Some people even call it Brain Yoga ... there is a lot of " new " brain & body terms floating around .. and if you take some time to think .. they all boil down to the same thing, relax for a moment and stop yourself ... breath , wind down go out in the nature or read a book , understand how fantastic it can be when you exists in the middle of yourself and just be !
This time of the year can be the worst for many ..
Me thankfully have grown out of all the crazy X - mas .. have to be things ....though I might work a little bit with all the food .... but just a little ... and it is really great .. !
Hot shots .. the name only .. gets me spiraling back some 30 years when we used to make hundreds of them in the bar at Kokslagret Visby ... completely crazy days ...so when I saw this in a food magazine ..had to try them out .. they have a Christmas taste to them and are quite fun , instead of the coffe & galliano you use strong mulled wine and rom .. feel free to try !!
Another easy plate could be a cute ham or turkey sandwich maybe a grilled cheese kind so instead of the usual , mix whole grain mustard with cranberry sauce such a delightful taste !
Also mozzarella topped green beans is a big favourite of mine pack a tray and into the oven , grill them a little , yum !
Oh and dont forget to try the Cauliflower and saffron risotto , made with white wine and coconut milk , garnish with some pomegrante seeds !
Maybe waffles with gingerbread taste could be something new to try ..serve them with sugared cranberries and whipped cream thats a real song & dance one !!
Otherwise threw a tray of veggies in the oven and roast , serve with my excellent parmesana dip : blend creme fresh , lots of shredded parmesana cheese , some drops of truffle oil and seasalt ... divine !
I will make one of my big chocolate plates and bring to a friends house on Christmas Eve
Just melt the chocolate and spread on a baking sheet , top with a lot of nuts , seeds and berries , when hardened you crack it in pieces ....then party .... chocolate big time ... I am a big chocolate lover !!
Well thats all for this time ...time flies ....take care and promise to take your time to wind down a bit !
While writing this post I have been listening to Paul mc Cartney Special edition .
Dance , kiss , hug , eat your greens , do some yoga , walk and smile ... dont forget to laugh a lot !!
Chris from GrammasKitchen
at the moment in beautiful Sörmland !