Stuff - Stuffed !
Jammed - Loaded - Packed - Gorged or Crowded !
Get rid of the stuff , even the physical and menthal stuff ... change your life , love your life , simple daily habits may change a lot ! Try to think of 3 things that make you happy every day , list them and take a look every single day , read them and you will find that you have a lot to be happy about ... and to feel grateful about !
Of course we all have these days when we wake up and just do not feel so great , the yin and yang in life ... are just natural ups and downs , what you can do when feeling down is to ask yorself what things there are to be grateful for .. like the bulletproof coffe you had this morning , something that recently went better than expected , or that you are healthy enough to work, travel ...that tomorrow you will see some old friends & wear your new jacket .. so many beautiful ,small , simple things to be happy about every single day or ...
In order to feel unstuffed , it helps of course to eat right and to stay hydrated ..
" It is chronic water shortage in the body that causes most diseases of the human body "
Dr. Feredyon Batmanghelidj
It is easy to feel hungry , tired and to make poor choices when we have not been drinking enough water ....
Get moving also clear out foggy , over stuffed brains.
And to rest !
Well in the end it is up to you .. optimal health or not .. wellbeing or not .. ?!
Me and my daughter are trying to " unload " the apartment we are currently living in , so it will be easier to make the move from here , she will leave to her own space and me to something smaller ...
So the sofa and some other items have allready gone .. oh , all of a sudden more space and more light must say that it is quite wonderful , to be happy with less , I am also doing heaps of laundry , feels like tons of clothes that we are not using ..
Have rented one table at a kind of jumble sale or flea market in a couple of weeks ... yes , yes .. the releaf of getting rid of stuff , because there is a constant negative energy to hoard unused pieces that might remind you of " something " .....
Yes I am guilty of having a problem to let things go ... memories and so on , but now I am on the tossing out mission , " get out of my life " and I know that you probably do not miss or remember what you throwed away ..... anyway where there is clutter there is dust and trapped energy or the energy is stuck ..
Keep only things you love and brings you joy !!
I feel so much more energetic only to think about how lovely it will be to downsize my living quarters .. because it will make so many things easier .. like travel , which is good for your health , it expands your mind , you will learn something new , travel also allows you to reset and you also might connect with new people .... so for me personally I am happy looking forward to downsize both work & house !!
Mushrooms , I love mushrooms ...
here is a fantastic " stuffed " recipe ..
Lasagna Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms
Remove the stem and clean out the gills of 4 portobellos , wash gently and allow to dry.
Brush them with oil , spoon some marinara suce into each mushroom ,
in a medium bowl mix together 1 1/2 cup ricotta , some salt , 1 egg , 1 1/2 cup chopped spinach , 1/2 cup chopped basil
divide this in the mushrooms , sprinkle each mushroom with 1/4 cup mozzarella , put in a baking dish & bake for 20 min. 190c or until baked through
enjoy with a salad !
I went to Stockholm yesterday to see friends and the yearly Spring exhibition at Liljevalchs gallery ...
We had a lovely day in the crisp , clear winter weather , strolling around , checking in at some old water holes from before .....what happened later .. xxx
This 365 pieces of clay demonstrates yoga for a year .. fantastic idea !
So fall in love with yourself , feed yourself well & get plenty of sleep , be selective about who you spend time with ... get rid of " Negative Nevilles " or your " Danny Downer " husband ... you will spend a lot of time with you , so invest vicely , be positive around people and put in positive energy ... because depressive pics on facebook has never fed a hungry child ... lets be sane about the inputs and what we choose to read , let the winds whirl around you and breathe.
Bake a cake , smile , hug , dance , be kind , help out , be your best and give , give of yourself ...
Big love from me in GrammasKitchen
in Sweden with more light every day
lighter clothes days are coming soon
happy , hippie days !!
I did listen to Zen Music Garden