Renewal !
Hello .. I thought that I was kind of eco - friendly , until I read an article about straws yes straws that we use with sodas , smoothies etc. did you know that they never break down into small pieces , they get stuck in the nostrils of sea turtles .. or perforate stomachs of some unfortunate animals , maybe a cute penguin ... just discusting .. it will be glass straws from now , I have one and will buy more !
As we are in the beginning of February .... some small sparking thoughts goes to the summer ... lovely .. yes , so there are some 4 months to get healthy and fit , for all the beach parties and more exciting summer activities , and I guess that we all want to feel energetic and look fresh !!
Cultivate a healing mindset
Anti - inflammatory diet
Restore gut health
Handle stress
Reset natural rhythms
Veggie cooking from my kitchen !
Create a lifestyle of balance !
Our " second brain " what is that ... you should not be surprised to know that it is the gut ... oh ... well the gut is two - thirds of our immune system , the bacteria in our gut talk to our genes , a healthy gut is your ticket to happiness & health !!
Our gut do not recognize food developed in labs .. to avoid all that we have to eat organic , try to avoid Carrageenan often used as a thickening agent in icecream , soymilk and yoghurt , no or less wheat , even if you are not suffering from Celiac disease , the wheat today is nothing like the wheat our grandmothers used and can trigger acid reflux & IBS !
Also pain killers , antibiotics , stress , sleepless nights would we all be better without ... and not to forget that alcoholhic drinks give few nutrients but take many , like B-complex vitamins and puts a strain on the liver which affects digestive competency ... not so many shots folks !!
Eat avocado , beans , spinach , yoghurt , dark chocolate , cottage cheese , bananas , cabbage , grapefruit and prunes .... so good for you !
Maybe a Alkaline Green Almond Milk
Mix together
2 cups almond milk
1 cucumber
2 large ribs celery
3 large handfuls baby spinach
Cheers to this vegan & glutenfree drink !
Nutty nuts , brain food !
They say that fasting for 3 days , can regenerate the entire immune system ... well it could be worth a try .. I used to do that , but for me it is so hard to quit the coffe .. headache for days ... and I am not giving up my coffe or tea for that matter , I wish I could but then again , I gave up smoking , I hardly ever drink alcohol ... but I heard on the radio the other day that Tequila can help to shred kilos ... they did not say though how much you should drink ... ha ha !!
And I am doing my best to write down everything I am putting in my mouth in my food diary , it is a lovely small greek calender I received from friends in Greece , it is also good for me to read the greek letters in order not to forget the language ...
Anybody for some spicy cooking ?
Here is an easy & quick stew from the Indian kitchen ,
fry 1 diced onion soft in butter and oil , add 2 tsp cummin , 1 tsp turmeric , 1 cup tomato paste , 1/2 a cup water , 2 tsp garam masala and 1 tsp chili , let it come to a boil , stir all the time , lower the heat and add 200 g fresh spinach , 400 g halloumi cheese in cubes and 1/2 a cup cream , some salt to your taste ... serve with rice or naan bread ... enjoy !
Only to think of that lovely stew , makes me want to go to London and Borough market , love that place , to be able to stroll around and take in all the lovely whiffs , colours , have a small bite here and there and the different flavours .. could it be better ?
Well I am here at the moment , it is snowing outside again .... have been working 2 days this week , catering business is slow at the moment , which I like just now , and I have Orff Carmina Burana blaring in my ears ... which I also like ... I am nourishing my " yin " gazing out the window with a warm cardamom drink in my hands , winter blues !
Gotland !
Greece !
Looking at these 2 pics , one from Gotland and the other from Greece , it is no wonder that I did spend so much time at both places .. and my food ideas have always had that mediterranean touch .. even when I decorated my first little food place in Visby the spring of -79 it totally out of the blue , just looked like a small greek meze place ... though I had not even sat foot in Greece back then ...must have been living there in an earlier life ...
Greece is also a hell of a lot of pasta dishes for me to remember , my X loved and probably still loves " makaronia " thats the greek word for a plate with pasta ,
the dish on the pic above, ( borrowed from a Swedish magazine ) ... are an easy & tasty one , quick done aswell !
Just mix cooked pasta with olives , sundried tomatoes and fried zucchini some olive oil and parmesan cheese , ok ready to put on the table !!
So do your best ... breath , dance , hug , sing , be kind , smile , cook a lovely healthy dish and call your friends over !!
Until next time
Big love from Chris in GrammasKitchen at the moment in the middle of a snow storm in beautiful Sörmland !!