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Life is messy !

We are approaching September , my absolute favourite month beginnings ...

If we start with everyones top subject , our bodies , our weight , am I looking allright ....

Organize your cupboards and fridge are no 1 on your list of what to do, because you will never get anywhere on your personal body journey , if the things you shouldnt eat ...are still in your home ...and an organized fridge .. as I have said before , with peeled and cut veggies and fruit , easy to just grab are essential , the same with toasted nuts and seeds can quickly make a salad or a bowl with yoghurt and fruit if all these things are at home , then to make the right choise are in front of your eyes .....

You also have to love yourself , in order to get anywhere on this healthy trip ...believe in yourself , you can make it , this change from sugary things , salty things , saucy things and all the rest that stops you from feeling better ...its all in your mind , be self aware , stop self sabotage , identify the emotion that stops you , get to the root of the problem and fix it.. and it will change your relationship with food and your weight !

There is no need to stop enjoying an icecream or another of your love foods , just dont do it all the time , choose your moments wisely , and they will be so much better ..

Coffe it time yet ..?

And ...move your body , you cant get in shape only with food , the gym , a walk or another activity is what is needed ...

dont put yourself in a box ..that tells you , that good , strong , passionate , smart people are told that they need to fit in a safe box ...its easy to put yourself there , you have to be thin , pretty , not ask questions , not make a fuss ......not mess around , but life is messy so stop worrying about your hair so much ...!!

as the Greeks says Ygeia Proto , it means , Health First in reality your face , body , hair doesnt mean so much if you dont have your health ... !!!

Coco Chanel said once It is easy to have a beautiful face in your 20 ies , but to keep it after your 50 ies is another story .....

Invest in yourself , make the good choices , find your way , and take a deep breath , because you are amazing the way you are !!

after organizing your kitchen and your meal plan for a week is ready ....maybe its time for a healthy recipe ..... I did choose this one , because Ratatouille goes back a long time in my cooking life , it probably was one of the first vegetarian dishes at Teatercafeet in Visby talking about the early 80-ies ......

Ratatouille Orzo

1 and a half cup orzo

1 eggplant cut in small pieces

2 peeled tomatoes

1 red and 1 yellow pepper chopped

1 chopped onion

3 handfulls of fresh chopped spinach

1 tsp oregano

2 tsp minced garlic

1 cup shaved parmesan

1 cup crumbled feta cheese

olive oil

salt & pepper

fry your veggies on medium heat , until half cooked , starting with the onion and garlic , add some salt and pepper on the way , in an ovensafe dish pour the fried vegetables , orzo , feta , half of the parmesancheese , oregano and pepper , toss well and sprinkle the rest of the shaved parmesan on top , bake for 20 min. 225c or until the cheese have melted.

Serve with chopped parsley on top , enjoy !!

Balance is the key to life !

Stay Energized

catch some sun - water yourself - get some air to increase blood flow - snack smart , have some raw unsalted nuts close , they are full of fiber and proteine .

Healthy gut , healthy mind .

Junk food you have craved for an hour ... or the body you have craved for a lifetime ....

You are what you eat ......!!

Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food Hippocrates .

A new study , conducted by the University of Cambridge , has found that the brain in obese people are as much as 10 years older than in slim people .......

and good news for coffe junkies myself ..Caffeine has been shown in preliminary studies to reduce joint pain so happy to read that ....lets have one more coffe for the road !!

things might be messy ...but today is a happy day , my daughter is on her way back up north , after 5 weeks in Greece ...

stay tuned with your body and mind , laugh , dance , sing and love , yes most of all love !

while writing this post I have been listening to Howlin Wolf - Spoonful , recommended by an old friend from Myconos .. !

Hope you did enjoy my small notes ...

be well and hug somebody ..oh and smile a lot , in a way a smile might change a lot , even if it is messy !!

Chris from Grammas Kitchen

at the moment in Sweden !

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