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Healthy Living !

Busy , busy doing nothing at all ,.... no I have been doing a lot of things but not what I was supposed to do .. things get mixed up sometimes ,

since I am waiting to get my hip replacement surgery done , there are so many small daily life chores that cant be done ,.. not by me anyway ,..have to save my strenght for the days I am working ... and that couldnt be done without , yoga , gym and my special Asian blend for pain and good health

turmeric , ginger , clove , cinnamon , cardamon and black pepper is my special spice blend , and my new love is pomegrante seeds ..very good they are , cleaning out your arteries so the blood can flow free !!

A new crusade on sugar has started ,...some years too late in my taste , but better late than never probably , a lot of people are consuming too much sugar ,...and they dont realise that you get it from soo many different hidden places , the wrong flour , alcohol , sodas , " healthy cereals and bars " , milkchocolate , candy even so called healthy crackers ,.. so if they dont spell out sugar on the packages ,..they generate sugar in your body .....which could mean inflammations and a lot of different bad health conditions ....its time to start to think , I mean of course everyone do what they think is best for them ,.. but me personally have a hard time.. to think that letting yourself go completely , being overweight , getting sick just because you cant change your lifestyle and food choices , is the wrong way to walk !!!

when it is in reality quite easy just a few changes every week maybe dont need that cinnamonbun or muffin every day with your coffe brake you could choose an apple or a cake made with oats and raisins , lemonwater instead of coke , and forget all the light products , they are even worse ,...have a piece of dark chocolate and some almonds it will keep you feeling full much longer than a spongecake !!

I have said it before , sugar can get you as addicted as cocaine ,...and cancer thrives on sugar , your complexion gets wrinkled from sugar and too much booze , high bloodpressure can be your companion , just think one more time before you reach out for that lovely looking sugary piece of cake !!

Of course its nice with a drink or a big icecream in the company of good friends , from time to time , but just not a lot and every day ,....

According to ayurvedic cooking , you should really change your diet after fifty ,.. there are a lot of things that our bodies cant cope with , when we are getting older , so a cleaner , raw diet is to prefere and out and about , walk, bicycling, swim ,. me personally cant wait till my surgery and recovery period are over ,..I so much miss walking ,.. love to walk , have been walking around a lot of big cities , and am right now on the point of getting jealous of people who easily are walking and running around ,..yes I love to walk !!!

It has been long between my posts lately , work , fixing the house we have been to my favourite swedish island Gotland for a week , what a bliss to see old friends and the stunning country side in the winter time , it

anyway I have in mind to try to update with a new post once a week , with some health issues and some of my best vegetarian recipes ....

until then be your best friend , laugh and try some green food and plentiful of what you really like .....

Chris from Grammas Kitchen

in Sweden

at the moment

Big Love

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