Greek recipes !
Midsummer day , the day after,.. woke up to a grey sky , well I mean this day is a perfect cooking day , spent in the kitchen , I decided to write down some recipes to share with you , of course they are healthy and of course they are greek ,....
First out is an easy side dish or part of a sallad buffet ,.
You will need
diced tomato
diced cucumber
sliced onion
mix all this in some olive oil, put on a platter and crumble feta cheese on top , some oregano and herb salt , I like some parsley on top as well !
Next one is a favourite in a lot of countries , yes meatballs , but these are greek and made with a twist ,. so they are lighter ....
this is what You need ,
half a kilo ground turkey
1 cup grated zucchini
2 slices whole grain bread
1 egg
2-3 crushed garlics
half a red onion grated
half a cup chopped fresh parsley
salt and pepper
wet the bread and tear into small peaces in a big bowl and add the rest combine and ,put in the fridge for some time then they hold their shape better,. make the balls the size You prefer , cook on low heat in a pan or on the grill
makes about 15
these goes perfect with some tzatziki or in a pita bread together with tomatoes and of course tzatziki ,...
we served them a lot when we had the restaurant in Greece .
and for dessert platter ,.. the best in my opinion is fresh fruit , I have told you before that the greeks carry home a lot of fruit every week ,...and they eat a lot of fruit , or it will be their sweets layered with sweet dried fruit and nuts , drizzled in honey , which are divine ,. but maybe not to many !!
When I think about it ,..its a perfect day for a walk ,. will tell my daughter to put on the walking shoes and off we go , there will be time for the cooking , have a nice Saturday all of You
Chris from Grammas Kitchen
today in Sparreholm